Clone of Bénévolat

Des communautés en santé… Grâce à vous!

Jour après jour, des bénévoles de tous horizons travaillent aux côtés du personnel de VON pour renforcer la santé de nos communautés. Si vous voulez venir en aide à votre communauté en donnant de votre temps et en prenant soin de vos concitoyens, vous avez un rôle à jouer chez VON.

Faites du bénévolat aujourd'hui

We have a role for you!

We will match your interests and availability to a volunteer role that’s right for you. We offer the training you need and ensure you are supported through frequent communication. Support is always a call away. Here are a few examples of how you can make a difference as a VON volunteer.


Conduire des clients à leurs rendez-vous médicaux, à l’épicerie, à leurs activités sociales ou à d’autres programmes.

Popote roulante

Livrer des repas chauds ou surgelés aux personnes âgées ou handicapées.

Programme de jour pour adultes

Assist VON staff in organizing and delivering fun and engaging activities.

Client and Family Advisors

Your feedback and input will help make VON the best it can be.

Volunteering and COVID-19

VON is committed to ensuring the safety and health of all our volunteers, clients and employees during the pandemic. We have taken steps to protect those giving and receiving care, including additional training and education and providing required PPE. Volunteer support is critical during the pandemic as we simply couldn’t offer the same level of personal support in the community without the power of volunteers.

The drive might only be 10 minutes or half an hour, and the clients open up their lives to me. The majority are very gracious and uplifting, and they tell me about their kids, families and their careers. Many are so grateful and thankful that they have this service available to them.