
Volunteer spotlight: John Cunningham, Volunteer Driver, Greater Halifax

John Cunningham, with tie and glasses

John Cunningham was a VON client for three years before he started to volunteer as a driver in our transportation program. As a client, he would come to the Halifax nursing clinic two to three times a week to get his wound dressings changed. That’s when he first saw information about volunteer opportunities at VON. With retirement on the horizon, John was looking for something to fill his time and thought giving back to VON would be a “great and natural fit.”

Besides being a grateful VON client, John enjoys being on the move. “I was a hydrographic surveyor with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, surveying the ocean floor from scientific ships – a career that took me away from home often,” explains John. 

VON has long been supported by caring and compassionate individuals who dedicate their time to making a difference in their local communities. We could not do what we do without them—volunteers fill many roles fundamental to our Community Support Services (CSS) programs and services. From delivering meals, to providing transportation, safety checks or reassurance calls, to volunteer visiting, or taking part in our client and family advisors program, VON volunteers play an essential role. As such, they often become a key contributor to our clients’ overall well-being and health.

John has been volunteering in our transportation program since 2019 and thoroughly enjoys it. In fact, he says that he “wishes he could be busier.” John volunteers with VON on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and says that each day is different based on the clients’ needs. “I’ll bring them to medical or doctor appointments, hospital appointments, the rehabilitation centre, eye clinics, physiotherapy, and even the food bank,” he says. 

When asked why volunteering is important to him, John says that giving back to those in need “puts things in perspective, as I realize that I’m better off than about 99 percent of the people I encounter,” he says. If John can lend a helping arm behind the wheel and improve someone’s day by doing so, he views that as a privilege. “The drive might only be 10 minutes or half an hour, and the clients open up their lives to me. The majority are very gracious and uplifting, and they tell me about their kids, families and their careers. Many are so grateful and thankful that they have this service available to them,” he says.

“One client lives a block and a half from their hospital appointment but chooses to use the VON service because there’s a level of comfort and trust with VON over other driving services,” he added. 

Kim Henry, Program Coordinator for the CSS team in Halifax says John’s contributions to the transportation program have been invaluable. “He goes above and beyond to support the clients – he has changed vacation time at his summer home to accommodate client drives,” she says. “He makes an effort to really get to know the clients and provide specific support according to their needs. He has repeatedly told me that he gets far more out of his volunteer role than the clients do by taking part in the program.”

Simply put, without volunteers, our community programs wouldn’t exist. Each VON volunteer is an integral part of the VON mission to help people live in their homes and communities, where they want to be. VON looks forward to taking part in International Volunteer Day on December 5th, when we will be recognizing and celebrating on social media all those who give their time and energy and make a lasting impact in our communities every day.